Community Forum

Established in 2020, the Fingal Chamber Community Forum is composed of representatives of the Chamber Board/Council, Patron Supporters, people working with community organisations, and member representatives are chosen for their independence, experience and understanding of corporate social responsibility dimensions.


The Fingal Chamber Community Forum seeks to create a Fingal which is sustainably developed for the benefit of the people who currently live and work here, and for future generations who will inherit the region.


The Fingal Chamber Community Forum will shape a better future for the communities in which we live and work by leveraging collective expertise and working collaboratively.


The Fingal Chamber Community Forum sets out the objectives and actions needed to promote and support the sustainable development of Fingal, both by itself directly and in partnership with other community development stakeholders.


  • driving meaningful engagement with Fingal Chamber network in sustainable development goal initiatives;
  • leveraging the combined and collective pool of skills and knowledge within the Fingal Chamber network and bringing a more joined-up approach to sustainable development programmes and interventions;

  • coordinating, planning and overseeing the Fingal Chamber Community Fund;

  • pursuing opportunities for additional Community Fund Supporters or funding for the area, whether from members, Exchequer, EU, private or other sources;

  • supporting, advising and reporting to the Chamber Board/Council on matters that support individuals, groups, communities, events and/or organisations at local and regional levels.

To discuss how your organisation can get involved and support this work please call 01 890 0977 or email